Corporate Worship
Welcome to our church and to one of the most vital things we do—worship the Living God. Below are a few pointers to assist you in joining fully into our worship.
We believe that corporate worship forms us into daily worshipers, and since the gospel is what sanctifies us, we have shaped our service to reflect the flow of the gospel. We begin with God’s call for us to worship him (Revelation), followed by praise (Adoration). We then admit our sins to God (Confession) and receive assurance of pardon in Christ (Propitiation). We thank him for our salvation, we hear his word preached (Proclamation), and we respond with commitment (Dedication). The climax of our service is an expression of fellowship with God (Communion or Supplication), and we conclude with a responsibility to go into the world with God’s blessing (Commission).
Our corporate worship is also a dialogue in which God speaks to us (through his word), and then we speak back to him (through prayer and song). Finally, worship is “the people’s work”; that is, the structure of worship allows for regular, active, participation of the congregation rather than a divide between “performers” and “spectators.”
We seek to saturate our worship with as much of God’s word as possible. Every service of worship will feature many portions of God’s word because it is the bread of life. We select hymns and psalms that support the gospel-shaped service and reinforce the message of the sermon. We use hymns that are time-tested, focused on God, and reverent. The sermon is an explanation of a portion of Scripture. Our pastors frequently preach through books of the Bible, trusting God’s Spirit to apply his word to your heart.
In essence, we seek to worship God as modeled in Scripture, not according to human imagination, custom, creativity, or glamour. This ancient and reverent worship form depends on God’s ordinary methods as effective means by which God conveys grace, strength, truth, love, and eternal life. We extend our hands to invite you to join us. Please return often to meet with the Living God!
For an example of what to expect on a typical Sunday morning, please click here.